Weird Al Yankovic Trailer is Out and here are few interesting facts about him! 

He’s a hoarder “I’m kind of a hoarder,” he confessed. “My wife has been slowly trying to get me away from that.”

He helped Jeopardy! regain popularity Back in 1984, Weird Al Yankovic released the song I Lost on Jeopardy – a parody of the song Jeopardy by The Greg Kihn Band.

Nirvana helped revive his career Yankovic only made a proper comeback in 1992 when he released the hugely popular Smells Like Nirvana.

Nirvana helped revive his career Yankovic only made a proper comeback in 1992 when he released the hugely popular Smells Like Nirvana.

He’s written two children’s books  Yankovic is a musician first and foremost, but he’s a man of many talents and has even written two children’s books.

He couldn’t even get a job at McDonald’s before he got famous  after graduating from college with a degree in architecture, Al applied for a job at McDonald’s.

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